Frequently Asked Questions About Helping Someone With Depression

A few of the red flags of a mental illness are not something that we can easily notice. We ignore some details because we believe them to be part of a person’s personality and traits. We understand the complication of the sudden change in words, emotions, and reactions that can mean a thing. However, it does not guarantee a definite conclusion for individuals severely dealing with a mental health problem. Not unless that person tells us everything about what he is going through emotionally and mentally.

Realizing that a person we know has depression is quite intimidating. There are these “what ifs” that we pile up for them to answer. We constantly say we understand what they feel, but the truth is, we sincerely do not know anything about their struggle. Yes, we deal with our own mental health issues, but it does not give us a pass to become more knowledgeable about others’ emotional and mental health experiences.

You need to help a person that has or currently facing mental health struggle like this two people talking to each other.

The responsibility of helping a person with depression is different from helping ourselves fight the mental health battle. Our ways of handling ourselves are a bit overrated because we feel like the world owes us a lot. When dealing with a mental illness (anxiety and depression), we sometimes feel obligated to feel and think that we shouldn’t because we are indeed having a mental breakdown. We somehow push people to pay more attention to us because we want them to entirely get to the bottom of our emotional and mental struggles. But when it is the opposite of everything, we become insensitive and full of assumptions.

Depression is a complex and multi-faceted mental health condition that can affect people in different ways.

It’s important to note that mental health can range in severity from mild to severe and can impact each individual differently. Some people may experience only a few depression symptoms, while others may experience many. If you suspect that you or a person you know may be experiencing mental health condition, it’s important to seek professional help.

A mental health professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment plan that can really help someone with depression.

When interacting with a person who has depression, make sure you consider the following behaviors:

  1. Avoid minimizing their feelings: Depression can be a debilitating condition, and it’s crucial to avoid making them feel as though their feelings are invalid or trivial.
  2. Be consistent: People with depression may struggle with maintaining relationships due to their condition. It’s crucial to be consistent in your communication and support groups to help them feel secure.
  3. Avoid making assumptions: Everyone’s experience with depression is unique, so avoid making assumptions about their suicidal thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.
  4. Encourage self-care: Self-care activities such as exercise, sleep, and relaxation techniques can help alleviate symptoms of the mental health issue. Encourage them to engage in self-care practices.
  5. Avoid blaming or shaming: Depression is not a choice, and it’s crucial to avoid blaming or shaming a person for their condition.
  6. Celebrate small victories: People dealing with mental health issues may struggle with seeing progress or success, so it’s crucial to celebrate small victories and accomplishments.
  7. Avoid pressuring them: Avoid pressuring a person with depression to do things they may not feel up to, such as socializing or participating in activities.
  8. Educate yourself: Educating yourself about mental health issues and mental health can help you understand their experiences and provide better support.
  9. Respect their boundaries: People with a mental disorder may need time and space to process their thoughts and emotions. Respect their boundaries and give them the time and space they need, even if it means taking a step back from your interactions for a while.

Let’s take time to reflect on our actions and deeply understand how to help a person with a mental disorder. Here are a few guidelines to use from the frequently asked questions.

How Do You Help A Depressed Person To Calm Down?

To comfort and help a person calm down, you need to be more specific about your role. It is vital that you understand the person’s feelings and not just witness them. You have to be the one that should validate their emotions and never judge them. It is okay to convince them not to think too much about their problems or stressors in life. But never attempt to minimize their pain or cheer them up. It would help if you allowed them to learn more about their feelings to manage them better once they experience them again. As an individual that is concerned, you have to suggest action steps that they can take and offer your help if needed.

But note. Not everyone is happy that you are around. It will also help if you distance yourself from time to time to allow depressed individuals to obtain their space. It would be much appreciated if you could be there for them without forcing yourself into their lives to avoid straining emotional and mental battles.

 How Do You Help An Individual Who Doesn’t Want To Be Helped?

A depressed person often wants isolation, and he does not want anything to do with you or others. If you want to help them, do not force yourself into their situation. Allow them to validate their feelings so they can open up and express themselves. Listen and pay attention to their struggles and suffering. You don’t need to do anything at first. Avoid giving unsolicited advice so that you can try and fix things. Allow the person to ask for help before trying to explore options together. It is significantly important that you also take care of yourself and find support on your own if all hopes went down.

In case the person is entirely out of control and does not want anything from you, respect his space. Give him some time to emotionally and mentally recover, even for a bit, until he realizes that he needs somebody to be there for him. Because sometimes, the only way you can thoroughly help a person with depression is by leaving them alone and allowing them to realize their potential.

 What Are The General Methods Used To Treat Depression?

There are a lot of techniques to treat depression. However, three of the more common methods used by health professional experts include cognitive behavioral therapy. It is a goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that focuses on problem-solving that aims to change thinking patterns or behavior patterns. Second is interpersonal therapy or the idea of how a person deals with a personal relationship with other people. Lastly, psychodynamic therapy or therapy focuses on finding patterns in one’s thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to gain insight into the current self.


 How Do You Make Someone Feel Better?

Trying your best to make a person feel better should start with paying attention to his needs. It will promote a nice feeling if he knows you listen attentively to his every word. It would mean so much for the person because there is affection and support involved there. The time you spend with that individual, regardless of the purpose, makes everything okay. Simple appreciation works well too. You can tell the individual that his thoughts and feelings are worth sharing.

Honestly, there are so many ways that you can do to make a person feel better. You only have to avoid overdoing it. Because if you insist and push it too much, the emotional pressure might build up. It will make the person believe that he needs to get better just because you think he should be and not because he wants it.

Is understanding depression the key to assist a person overcome depression?

Understanding depression is one of the keys to helping individual with a mental health condition. Knowing that a lot of depressed people are battling with difficult emotions, negative thoughts, and depressive symptoms that can affect all areas of a person’s life.

When a loved one’s depression comes to an emotional crisis lifeline point, it’s important to check out if there are visible warning signs of major depressive disorder and if they are experiencing suicidal thoughts. By giving advice or trying out to help their depression, talking can be counterproductive, and being there for your depressed friend or family member can make all the difference. It can be a way to stop them from taking their own life because sometimes a person’s presence on an individual with depression can have a significant impact on them, fulfilling their own needs mentally and emotionally.

Besides, small tasks such as offering them a meal or inviting them to watch a funny movie can be a sort of relief and can lessen some symptoms of depression. Nevertheless, prioritizing your own needs is vital as well, and you can seek professional help if needed.

There are organizations that assist people with depressive disorder and promote suicide prevention, like Bipolar Support Alliance which provides resources and support for both the depressed person and their loved ones, as well as people with bipolar disorder. Start helping people with mental health conditions by simply encouraging them to have a session with mental health experts.

How Do You Cheer Up A Lonely Person?

Sometimes, loneliness is temporary. But you still have to be notably careful with your judgment because it might be a different mental health issue. If you have a chance to cheer up a lonely person, start by hugging him. It might sound like a simple thing to do, but it is worth it. Allow him to feel that you are physically, mentally, and emotionally available for him no matter what. Talk to him and take him out. Spend time with him and do not make him feel that he is not alone.


If you want to help a person who is struggling with depression, here are some things you can do:

  1. Listen: One of the most important things you can do is listen to the person. Allow them to share their thoughts and feelings without interrupting or judging them.
  2. Be supportive: Let the person know that you care and that you’re there for them. Offer to help in any way you can, whether it’s running errands, cooking meals, or just being there to talk.
  3. Encourage them to seek professional help: While you can be a great support, it’s important for the person to seek professional help. Encourage them in treatment and to see a therapist or doctor who can provide treatment.
  4. Educate yourself: Learn more about the mental health condition and its symptoms so you can better understand what the person is going through.
  5. Avoid platitudes: Don’t tell the person to “snap out of it” or “just be happy.” Depression is a serious condition and requires treatment.
  6. Take care of yourself: Helping people with depression can be emotionally draining, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself too. Set boundaries, practice self-care, and seek support if you need it.

Remember that everyone’s depression symptoms and experience is different, so be patient and understanding as the person works through their struggles.

Final Thoughts

Helping people with depression is a responsibility that requires a lot of consideration. Understand that not because you feel like talking to the person or think that your opinion matters, it does not make you entitled to invalidate his mental struggles. Do not assume you understand everything because mental illness is a complicated situation that not even you can easily comprehend.



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