Dealing With Chronic Pain Through A Psychiatrist





There are many kinds of pain that the human body may experience. It can be classified into many groups and one of which is chronic pain. “When the pain continues after healing, it becomes persistent or chronic. The brain continues to produce pain even when the body is healed. Then it becomes a much more complex pain; the person feels that they have not recovered even though there are no physical explanations for the pain,” according to Ana Nogales, Ph.D. This pertains to the type of pain that lasts for more than twelve weeks or three months. Some experts refer to it as a severe form of pain. According to a medical study, there have been reported cases of chronic pain lasting for more than one year.


If you are experiencing chronic pain, the best thing to do is to call a pain doctor as soon as possible. Do not ignore the symptoms of pain, since it could make the situation worse. When this happens, there is a high possibility that you would feel inconvenience in your daily life. You may have disturbances in your sleep, constant mood swings and episodes of anxiety or depression. Because of these emotional issues, it is highly recommended to see a psychiatrist.

“While emotional pain is often dismissed as being less serious than physical pain, it is important that continual emotional pain is taken seriously. In some cases, you may need to see a physician before emotional pain has lasting consequences,” a reminder from Elizabeth Hartney, PhD.



Here are some of the things that you need to know:


  1. Psychiatric Treatments Are Useful In Learning How To Deal With Pain

The goal of this kind of treatment is to make the patient find the perfect way on how to deal with chronic pain. At this point, it is essential to highlight the fact that each has his or her way of handling the pain. Just because one method works for one patient does not mean that it will also work for the other. Fortunately, the services of a psychiatrist can guide the patient in identifying a suitable way of dealing with the pain.


  1. The Approach Varies From One Patient To Another

Once you start to hire the services of a psychiatrist, you need to understand that the approach he will use depends on the attending circumstances of your case. There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to this. The professional will study your case, which involves the cause of the chronic pain, its duration, as well as the other side effects that you feel. From the findings, the psychiatrist will then decide on the proper way to approach your treatment or healing process. This is essential because choosing the wrong approach may cause a delay in the recovery.


 A Psychiatrist May Work Hand In Hand With A Pain Doctor

The expertise of a psychiatrist is different from the pain doctor. However, there are instances wherein you will see these medical experts working together for the interest of a common patient. You have the option to choose the arrangement that you prefer. The advantage of this kind of setup is that the records will be readily transmitted between and among the professionals. As such, there is a high chance that both of them could help you in treating chronic pain in the fastest way possible. As the famous saying goes, “Two heads are better than one.”

“It can help people develop and foster passion, productivity, and balance in their lives,” said Chris Boyd, a psychotherapist, and he was referring to therapy.



Chronic pain can cause a lot of disturbances in your life. Be sure to handle it the right way by seeking the professional help of a pain doctor as well as a psychiatrist.